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The continuing presence of so many companies has undermined the Washington-led effort to crush Russia’s economy
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Corporate taxes help keep Russia’s war machine running

Letters from Ukraine
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Ukrainians affected by profound personal loss reach out to companies still operating in Russia

Polish Prime Minister demands deadline for firms to leave Russia
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Morawiecki supported the ECB's attempt to push Raiffeisen to exit Russia

Swiss neutrality: The time is up
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Switzerland cannot afford to remain neutral while harboring massive amounts of Russian assets

Russia’s massive air attack on Ukraine is threatening an accident with radioactive consequences for the entire world
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It took the remaining multinational businesses in Russia 12 days’ worth of taxes to pay for that attack

There are no female leaders among the top 150 companies still operating in Russia. A strong case for more women CEOs
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Women run at least 5 companies that left Russia after the invasion of Ukraine

New Kremlin regulation raises risks for the 1600 international companies left in Russia
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Putin amends law to ensure state defence orders are met

Risky Business. What FATF suspension of Russia’s membership means
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B4Ukraine welcomes the suspension of Russia’s FATF membership

Corporate Russian roulette: Why France must issue guidance urging companies to leave Russia now
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French authorities must investigate claims that retailer Auchan seems to be contributing to Russia’s war efforts

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