Who we are

B4Ukraine is a global coalition of civil society organizations driven by a common goal: to block access to the economic resources behind Russian aggression. We aim to restore the peace and security of Ukraine by asking responsible businesses to respect human rights in word and in deed and #ExitRussia to #StopFundingTheWar in Ukraine.

You can find a full list of the Coalition members here

Mission and Declaration

Our coalition is driven by a common purpose outlined in our Declaration: to block access to the economic resources behind the Russian aggression.

One year since the invasion, close to 2000 international companies continue their operations in Russia. At this stage, there are no more ambiguities. Companies who continue to trade in or with Russia are contributing to its war efforts through the taxes they pay, the supply chains they support and the technologies they provide. Those who remain risk complicity in Russia’s assault on Ukraine and its war crimes. They must act now to place themselves on the right side of history and commit to leave Russia.

We call for an accelerated and sustained exit of foreign businesses from the Russian market! We urge companies that have already suspended their business operations in Russia to stand by those commitments until the territorial integrity of Ukraine is restored and accountability is imposed for war crimes and the destruction of infrastructure.


Our Coalition is a new initiative with a growing list of partners and an evolving governance framework. It is effectively led by its core active members on a voluntary basis. Managed by a Steering Committee that takes decisions by consensus, we also have several working groups, responsible for business engagement, communications, and analytics, providing guidance and expertise in their respective fields and contributing to our overarching goals and objectives.

If you would like to become a supporter or fund a particular stream of work of the coalition, please contact us at [email protected].

What we do

B4Ukraine engages in a handful of activities, which we consider most impactful to achieve our mission. Our diverse teams are united by a common goal: to see international businesses exit the tarnished Russian market as soon as possible. Such steps would not only be beneficial for companies to stay compliant with their own ESG policies but would also accelerate a peaceful resolution of the ongoing war of aggression by limiting Russia’s access to financial resources.

We strive to accomplish our mission by actively engaging with businesses and governments to raise awareness about the reputational and legal risks associated with continuing business operations in Russia. Together with our network of partners, we host educational events for businesses that are contemplating exit from the Russian market but have not yet done so. Additionally, we continuously engage in research and analysis of the most recent company data provided by our partner KSE Institute in order to run bespoke communications campaigns usually aimed at international companies that either represent well-known consumer brands or are considered systemic to the Russian economy.

Join us

If you want to become a supporter or fund a particular stream of work of the coalition, please contact us at [email protected].

Organizations that wish to become endorsers of our Declaration are welcome to do so by contacting us at [email protected].

Companies that wish to make the commitments outlined in our Declaration should e-mail [email protected].

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