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Defund and Disarm Russia By Keeping Sanctions on and western companies out

B4Ukraine appeals to the Trump Administration & G7

Business Outreach
We continuously engage with
companies still in Russia promoting
a responsible exit strategy
icon 200 Letters sent
icon 39% Response rate
icon 10% Meeting rate
What's New
France Leads EU in Russian Fossil Fuel Imports in February
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In February, France emerged as the EU's largest importer of Russian fossil fuels

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Why Firms That Choose to Return to Russia Will Lose Their Money and Reputations
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Russia is desperate to attract foreign businesses to stave off its economic collapse

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Raiffeisen Bank International subsidiary still invested in sanctioned Russian entities, find BankTrack and B4Ukraine
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Raiffeisen’s Russian asset manager holds mutual funds with investments in Sberbank, Gazprom, government bonds

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What We Do
Day of action: Raiffeisen, get out of Russia
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On March 26, Raiffeisen's Annual General Meeting will be held in Vienna

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Mondelez International
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Mondelez International is an American snacking giant that has chosen to stay in Russia after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine

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Defund and Disarm Russia by Keeping Sanctions On and Western Firms Out
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Defund and Disarm Russia to achieve just and lasting peace

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