What We Do

From compliance to conscience: Businesses and human rights in Russia
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Nina Prusac on B4Ukraine's outreach to companies operating in Russia

From compliance to conscience: Foreign companies in Russia fail to meet human rights obligations
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B4Ukraine asked 125 multinationals about their due diligence practices in Russia. Only 50 responded

The Lucrative Business of Staying: Corporate Foreign Enablers of the Kremlin’s War
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US firms paid more in profit taxes to the Kremlin than any other country

The EU must step up sanctions against Russia's nuclear sector — Olena Pavlenko
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Sanctions on Russia in the nuclear sector can and should be imposed

30 civil society groups call on Raiffeisen Bank for a moral exit from Russia
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CSOs urge RBI to immediately leave Russia, and do so without transferring valuable assets to Russia

Ukraine Designates Oreo-maker Mondelez an International Sponsor of War
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Companies featured on the list are flagged as “international sponsors of war” within the WorldCheck database

“Snacking Made Right” or “Snacking Turned Into Military Might”?
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B4Ukraine calls on Mondelez to do the only right thing: to exit Russia as soon as possible

What Is the Value of a Mission Statement?
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We reviewed mission statements of 16 largest multinational taxpayers in Russia

Corporate to Human Phrasebook
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A handy guide translating what companies still operating in Russia say to what they really mean

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