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B4Ukraine calls on Raiffeisen Bank to make an immediate commitment to close down its business in Russia
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B4Ukraine calls on Raiffeisen Bank to make an immediate commitment to close down its business in Russia

Dutch Parliament names Russia sponsor of terrorism while 80+ Dutch companies still fund Russia’s military budget
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Only 6 Dutch companies have fully pulled out of Russia

French oil major TotalEnergies takes a step closer to leaving Russia
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Unfortunately, many large French companies, like Leroy Merlin and Groupe Legrand, continue to collaborate with Moscow

Phil Bloomer: No Hiding for Companies Complicit in War Crimes
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Highlights from the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights side event

Nataliya Popovych: Seven Excuses Companies Use to Justify Doing Business in Russia
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Highlights from the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights side event

142 foreign companies have completely pulled out of Russia
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At least four deals took place in November

EU Parliament Names Russia Sponsor of Terrorism: Implications for Businesses
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The move will define the relationship between the EU and Russia for years to come

Russia leavers show faster revenue growth compared to remainers
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Another argument for why foreign companies should not remain in the toxic Russian market

Happy Thanksgiving to all American friends of Ukraine!
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Happy Thanksgiving to all American friends of Ukraine!

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